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Course Curriculum

    1. 1.1 What is HTML

    2. 1.2 First HTML Code

    3. 1.3 HTML Syntax

    4. 1.4 The Link Element

    5. 1.5 HTML Attributes

    6. 1.6 Spaces in HTML

    7. 1.7 Indents in HTML

    8. 1.8 Conclusion & Exercises

    1. 2.1 What Is CSS

    2. 2.2 CSS Syntax

    3. 2.3 General Technique for CSS

    4. 2.4 Colors & RGB

    5. 2.5 Finish Styling the Subscribe Button

    6. 2.6 How to Search on Google

    7. 2.7 The class Attribute

    8. 2.8 Style the Join Button

    9. 2.9 Create the Tweet Button

    10. 2.10 Exercises

    1. 3.1 Hovers

    2. 3.2 Opacity

    3. 3.3 Hover Styles for the Join Button

    4. 3.4 Transitions

    5. 3.5 Shadows

    6. 3.6 Shadows With Hover

    7. 3.7 Conclusion & Exercises

    1. 4.1 Intro to Chrome DevTools

    2. 4.2 Hex Colors

    3. 4.3 Exact Colors for the Join Button

    4. 4.4 CSS Box Model

    5. 4.5 CSS Box Model With Chrome DevTools

    6. 4.6 Use Box Model With Subscribe Button

    7. 4.7 The vertical-align Property

    8. 4.8 CSS Box Model With Join Button

    9. 4.9 Conclusion & Exercises

    1. 5.1 Intro & Setup

    2. 5.2 CSS Text Styles

    3. 5.3 Style the Video Title

    4. 5.4 HTML Entities

    5. 5.5 Style the Video Stats

    6. 5.6 Finish Styling the YouTube Text

    7. 5.7 Remove Duplication in CSS Code

    8. 5.8 CSS Specificity

    9. 5.9 Create the Apple Text

    10. 5.10 Text Elements

    11. 5.11 The span Element

    12. 5.12 Finish the Apple Text

    13. 5.13 Multiple Spaces Between Text

    14. 5.14 Conclusion & Exercises

About this course

  • 155 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content
  • Certificate of Completion
  • $99 $33

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